Empower your team to make their own movies for social media. You'll be surprised what you can produce with a smartphone and our professional training.
Clients get access to a library of online learning materials such as demos and tutorials. And we pride ourselves on maintaining creative relationships with our customers. So keep us on speed dial for when you get stuck – or you're ready to go to the next level.
Simon Ford was BP's producer for this film, commissioned as part of BP plc's global programme for new joiners.
Contributors followed the tips in our online video. The design and animation were created by Plastic Pictures.
If you dread addressing an audience or speaking up in meetings, we can help.
First, relax. Nerves are normal and make you a better performer. We know because we have years of live broadcasting under our belts.
With our presentation coaching, you'll soon be tackling everything from team meetings to conference speeches fearlessly and with style.
Video conferencing is the new normal for millions. It's a boon for some and a bane for others.
We're not phased by technology. We call video conferencing desktop broadcasting – and we know broadcasting inside out.
Let us share our insider knowledge and make your Teams and Zoom appearances memorable for all the right reasons!